Let your boyfriend know your fantasies and things you’d like to try. 1. Probably their iPhone, but ask to be sure! 7. What’s your favorite (or least favorite) word? Philosophers and poets have pondered these things at great length…. In order to build a stronger connection and create a healthier dynamic, you’ll need to discuss some serious topics. Good or evil? Maybe a silly question to ask your best friend, but it may lead to a real answer. Best friends are great for listening to your dreams and your goals. You’re with your best friend, you’re in your safe zone and there are ten million things you find imperative to discuss with great enthusiasm and intensity. Think of all you could grab with those massive hands. Are there an infinite number of realities beyond our own where each possible decision is taken and each fork in the road traveled down? It’s a win-win for both of you. What is the most adventurous moment in your life? The follow up questions are almost as interesting as the original. Is it ok to perform experiments on animals if it means saving human lives? The easiest route to connect with your girlfriend is to figure out the intimate things you’d like to talk about together, the things that have meaning to both of you. 13. Basically every call starts with, "Guess what I did!" Dreaming about the epic-ness is great therapy after a bad work day. 2. His work has been featured on Marriage.com, iHeart Media, Elite Daily, and The Urban List. Why do we remember some things vividly and forget other things entirely? Questions to ask your best friend will help you learn more about them. What is time? If you get them laughing, they’ll be game to answer anything. Come up with ridiculous scenarios and see if your friend takes the money. 5. When discussing these sorts of topics, it is worth knowing how to debate in a healthy way rather than letting it descend into an argument. 1. Some of the best conversation starters, these questions can also be random questions to get to know someone. 9. You can talk about subjects like these to let your girlfriend know about your daily life. Only your best friend knows that, for some reason, Count Chocula really turns you on. Get a great story and make sure you’re involved in the next version they tell. Why do some people enjoy things that you really dislike? What did you learn about relationships from your … 2. You can’t always just talk about fun things. Lots of people enjoy taking snapshots whether professionally or as a hobby. Find out the greater evil along with the lie. 7. 16 things you might still not know about your best friend and should totally ask this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Some of the most challenging conversational topics fall under the metaphysics heading.From the Greek that literally translates as ‘beyond nature,’ metaphysics deals with all sorts of questions about being and time and life and death and change.Try these topics on for size:1. You shouldn’t choose the Ways to Get Back at Your Ex Best Friend but instead choose the healing things to say to your best friend after a fight. If you want your relationship to last, you have to talk about sexy talk. 36 Best Football Trivia Questions And Answers – Spark fun conversations. If you wrote a sitcom about your life, what would you name it? If you and your friend play, you’ll find out loads about them while also having a great time. Can you love more than one romantic partner at the same time? A real hero has a profound effect on how a person lives their life. 2. To do that, though, you need all the right questions to ask. Random questions get more genuine answers because they come out of nowhere. Find out, make notes, and top it next year. 2. Morally acceptable or morally outrageous? Enjoy some nostalgia and the end of your coolness. Politics, exams, romantic partners: find out what’s really on their mind. 10. Parties. Nature of nurture – which plays the biggest role in who you are? Talk about the best holiday spot. Use these questions for a chuckle and a good answer. Are you the same person you were yesterday?2. You know they always wanted to do it anyway. I… Find out just how far they’ll go in this game. These questions give you the opportunity to open those conversations up. The right questions can get you closer than you’ve ever dreamed. So, you want the questions to ask your best friend to also be get to know you questions. Tell me one thing a woman can do to become more attractive (excluding change her appearance). Inevitably, this devolves, and you hop from topic to topic pretty quickly. There are so many scenarios to consider, but here are just a few to get you started. 12. Here are 8 get to know you questions to ask your best friend: 21. Go there together. What percentage of your decisions do you think are made by your unconscious or subconscious and what percentage by your conscious? With the above questions to ask your best friend, you have great lists of questions to ask that lead to all manner of serious and silly conversations, all of which reveal new truths about your friend. Relationship Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend. Fun questions are not only a great way to start a conversation with your boyfriend. 4. 09 Jokes are things to talk about with your boyfriend that can be endless fun, and maybe turn into something you share often. Your secrets are always safe with your best friend. Your childhood memories: both the good and bad ones. How To Get A Girlfriend - 20 Simple steps to finally get the girl. Doing this will slowly heal your friendship to it’s old state which is …