As a matter of fact hunting fairs and festivals were born in the north of Italy in the twelfth century, since the region had a greater bird migration. - Guinness- und Weinfest im Weingut Krebs, Hauptstraße 74, 67159 Friedelsheim - Abgesagt Sa.25.07. The Cisano festival had a lot of visitors who joined it to stock up with useful decoys in view of the imminent hunting season, as well as with agricultural or enological tools and courtyard animals. Dieses Verbot ist befristet bis Ende November. Bardolino is tourism, but also art and culture. Maratona dles Dolomites-Enel 2020 - ANNULLATO / CANCELLED / ABGESAGT - per nome "F" attualizzato 11.06.2020 22:15:16 name year city team status ----- Faas Christian 1974 D-Walheim Punkt 8 ok, complete Fabbri Andrea 1992 Cesena (FC) G.S. Together with the famous historic “Festa dell’Uva e del Vino” celebrating the local Bardolino, there are the “Festa del vino Novello” celebrated in November and the “Palio del Chiaretto” celebrated on spring to pay homage to the local rosé. ️ Wir hoffen, dass unser Weinfest wie gewohnt und geliebt 2021 wieder … Oktober. Termin 2020 ABGESAGT. BARDOLINO. Bardolino Carnevale di Bacco e Arianna - Samstag, 15.02.2020 . The panel members are artists of International fame who were on the most important stages of the world; due to their experience and competence, they are able to guarantee an appropriate selection and evaluation of the performances. +++ Update, 06.08.2020 - 18.35 +++ Das Weinfest von Bardolino ist für 2020 offiziell abgesagt … Orienteering is a Scandinavian sport which is usually practiced on foot: the competitors have a detailed map of the region and they have to reach the marked points following the map order and with the fastest time. On the other hand it’s time for shopping at lungolago Mirabello, with dozens of stores and brands from all over the country. Wine exhibition and fair, tastings, concerts, good food await visitors on the terraces of … In the meantime lungolago Lenotti holds a food and beverage and handcraft market, where visitors can find all kind of speciality food and products. Datum: 2020 voraussichtlich abgesagt Ort: rund um den Dorfteic ; Abends ausgehen, musikalische Veranstaltungen, Weinfeste oder auch kulturelle Veranstaltungen im Rheingau besuchen ; Weinfest in Frauenstein. This year it will take place from 1st until 5th October 2020 Tag: Land and Tastes , Events The event includes food and wine, music, culture and entertainment: at Parco Carrara Bottagisio visitors can find a whole area dedicated to food taste and music events. Bardolino is an oasis of fun, with a lot of events arranged every year within its enchanting scenery. The award ceremony takes place at Campazzi within the “Rally Party” space: a whole area for teams and visitors with gazebo, gastronomic stands and musical entertainment. Die Weinstraße am Gardasee, die Strada del Vino, bietet auf 70 Kilometern malerische Eindrücke sowie über 40 Winzer. Taste the best Hungarian wines at the Budapest Wine Festival in September 2020. Borgo Garibaldi holds “Il cortile delle arti e dei mestieri”, with the participation of numerous companies representing the quality of the Italian creativity and handcraft. Der Termin vom 24.-26.04.2020 ist abgesagt! Man wird stattdessen ein anderes Event mit begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl aufsetzen, welches zu aktuellen Corona Pandemie passend ist. They are musical, sport, cultural and food and beverage events reflecting the identity and traditions of the village. Finally, you can also find vintage and shabby chic markets, handcraft markets and much more. and enjoy eventful hours in Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße, Die Südsteirische Weinstraße als Veranstalter und die beteiligten Weinstände – beschlossen, das Nossner Weinfest 2020 ausfallen zu lassen. The Triathlon also allows to discover the wonderful places around lake Garda by swimming into the lake water, biking through the hills and vineyards and running around the village centre. Weinfest der Mittelmosel in Bernkastel-Kues Berkastel-Kues lädt zum schönsten Weinfest der Region - Festzug, Künstlermarkt, Feuerwerk, Musik, Wein, Genuss und Rummel. The exhibit includes not only paintings and sculptures but also ceramic works, photographs and creative works. Die Reisewelt hat sich verändert. From the 5th to the 7th of June 2020, Bardolino hosts the annual Chiaretto wine contest, Palio del Chiaretto, where the lastest Bardolino Chiaretto DOC is presented. Veröffentlicht am: 20.07.2020. Don’t plan your holiday on the Mosel without the calendar of events. The organisation initially worked especially in Kenya. It is six meters high and 4 meters wide. ... Weinfest Börwang 2020 abgesagt! Exclusive tour on request You can also enjoy music events and the art exhibit “Mostra Artisti Bardolinesi” (up to the 1st of May) that takes place at villa Carrara Bottagisio and includes paintings, sculptures and handcraft works by about forty artists. März 2020 @ Bundesrepublik Deutschland . Each competitor can choose a course to reach the control points where an electronic device registers his/her course. Oktober 2020 So ABGESAGT - Deutsch-Französischer Bauernmarkt 18. The festival marks the maturation and distribution of the new Bardolino wine. Live music and entertainment make the event atmosphere even more festive, such as the wondeful finale with the awaited fireworks at the port of Cisano. Oktober 2020 an der Uferpromenade stattfinden sollte, wurde offiziell abgesagt. 08683 / 924: RR: 180 km / 1.200 Hm 16./17. There are noteworthy festival also in Calmasino and Cisano, the two hamlets of Bardolino: it is a good occasion to taste local food. The tournament is named after Germano Chincherini, a famous businessman who prematurely died in 2000 and found a non-profit organisation called Fondazione Germano Chincherini – ONLUS to help poor children of the world. There is also an indoor area dedicated to local food, where you can choose between mountain, lake and plain menu; the lakefront is decorated with thousands of flower arrangements. Oktober. Torbole Sbigolada Torbolana, 23.02.2020, 12 - 14 Uhr … RONTA ok, complete Fabbri Bruno 1952 Lucca (LU) announced Fabbri Giacomo 1974 Ferrara (FE) Ferrara bike ok, data missing Fabbri Giovanni … Search for: Posted by qiti on 28.10.2020. abgesagt! Aufgrund der Corona Pandemie findet das Weinfest der Mittelmosel im Jahr 2020 dezentral in den umliegenden Orten statt. Moving to Piazza del Porto a platform holds the cars parade; the different lights and songs depending on the year of production of each car make the event spectacular. Schon Wochen zuvor hat es sich abgezeichnet und so habe ich mit meiner Familie beschlossen, dass ZU HAUSE BLEIBEN FÜR UNS NICHT INFRAGE KOMMT und eine Alternative schnellstmöglich überlegt werden muss. Piazza del Porto holds the “Messaggio del Cuore”: a wall where everyone can leave his/her love message. Gardasee - das Urlaubsziel Weinort Bardolino am Gardasee im REISEKINO - Filmporträt. ... Börwang Veranstaltungen Nachrichten Allgäu „Bei eis dahoam“ Haldenwang 2020 abgesagt! Weinfest mit Kultstatus Die "Festa dell’Uva e del Vino" in Bardolino ist ein Weinfest mit Kultstatus. Von 1. bis 4. - 08.10. The event has always been followed with great passion and interest, also influencing the habits and customs of all the villages of the Riviera. Die Einladung am Weinfest in Bardolino musikalisch mitzuwirken, war für die Gmünder Kolpingkapelle der Anlass für einen viertägigen Ausflug an den Gardasee. Tabelle1 Datum,Uhrzeit,Veranstaltung,Ort Samstag, 1. Bardolino is located on the Shore of Garda Lake about 25 km south west of Verona. Dies wird seitdem Jedes Jahr in der ersten Novemberwoche mit einem kleinen Fest am Hafen von Bardolino gefeiert. 2020 wird … WG-Kennenlern-Treffen - abgesagt. The location of these apartments is perfect, a five minute walk into the center of Bardolino and only five minutes to the edge of the lake. For Easter Bardolino gives you the opportunity to spend four days enjoying the beginning of spring: the lakefront celebrates handcraft as well as food and wine tradition with the “lungo viale dei sapori del Veneto”, where businesses are open to visitors for the whole duration of the event. The Palio del Chiaretto, nowadays one of the most important Italian events dedicated to the rosé, is a long taste itinerary starting from Cisano up to Punta Cornicello, at the extreme north of Bardolino residential area. Die Pandemie ist ein ernst zu nehmendes Thema. On the other hand at lungolago Mirabello visitors can buy local products, while at Piazza del Porto they can taste them at Museo dell’Olio and Museo del Vino. Uns liegt eure Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Herzen. Da gehen wir immer hin 10/19. 08683 /89 1434: MTB: ca. Erfahren Sie Kurzweiliges, Sagenhaftes und Wissenswertes über die Gewässer der Kurstadt und des Rheingaus ; destens bis zum 31.12.2020 abgesagt. For the entire duration of the contest, the most deserving artists will perform at Sala della Disciplina every evening. Bardolino is particularly suitable for this kind of event: it is not only an important and enchanting tourist town that is known all over the world, but it is also equipped enough to hold such a large number of people. Oktober 2020 Alle Veranstaltungen. Steirische Weinbauern sowie die Weinhoheiten sind am Hauptplatz der Stadt Leoben zu Gast und bieten die besten Tröpferl zur Verkostung und zum Verkauf an. Bericht des Vorstandes 3. 5 Maria Alm - Hochkönig 28 11. Die Kunst- und Kulturstadt Dresden liegt, umgeben von sanften Höhenzügen, im weiten Kessel des oberen Elbtales. Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung der weiteren Ausbreitung des Coronavirus (COVID-19) sind deutschlandweit große Veranstaltungen mindestens bis zum 31.08.2020 abgesagt. Moreover, the festival represented a rare occasion to savor a good tripe or polenta dish with osei,together with a glass of Bardolino. The concerts take place in the elegant Sala della Disciplina. It is celebrated on the lakefront, where visitors can drink to the new year dancing and enjoying the spectacular fireworks on the water. The events are free and they take place at Piazza del Porto under a tensile structure. It is a two days jump back in time which turns the lakefront into a history showcase allowing visitors to enjoy the best car models of the world. East Coast Boat Tour SWIM STOP. What about New Year celebrations? Following the old tradition, the local wineries offer different tastes of Bardolino Chiaretto both in its “Classico DOC” and “Spumante DOC” version while explaining visitors the organoleptic properties and features of this fruity wine. Liebe Ulmer und Weinfest-Besucher, nach lan... gen Gesprächen und Überlegungen sind wir zu dem Entschluss gekommen unser jährliches Ulmer Weinfest dieses Jahr auszusetzen. A Truck Hospitality with a giant screen is arranged at piazzetta Preonda for four days. The scheduled activities are free and they are made for children of all ages: games, workshops and adventures will liven up the kids’ weekend at Parco Carrara Bottagisio. Piazzale Aldo Moro 37011 Bardolino (VR) Italy Mail - Fax: 045-2062056 A sport event based on the national “Benacus Rally” during which about a hundred racer teams from various Italian regions compete with each other, together with the latest races known as “Benacus Historic (historic cars national rally) and “Coppa lago di Garda” (historic cars sport race). ⚡ Wir haben Winfest Casino gründlich überprüft und diesem Casinoeine sehr gute Reputationsbewertung gegeben. KST Media shared a post on Instagram: “(Werbung/Anzeige) Weinfest 2020 leider Coronabedingt abgesagt! 24.00 Uhr • 19. Rheinhessen . And then, of course, the famous gnocco: visitors can taste it at the port together with a glass of Bardolino. Johann Gottfried Herder taufte Dresden "Elbflorenz" und … Chiaretto is a rosé variant of Bardolino wine produced from the same grapes. Since 1858 the historic Filarmonica di Bardolino offers high quality music with its band and chorale performing numerous concerts every year during Bardolino most popular festivals. Bei portofrei bestellen Super-Angebote für 3 Monats Kalender 2018 hier im Preisvergleich bei Wegen Corona: Diese Weinfeste in Franken wurden 2020 verschoben oder abgesagt. The entrance is free and it takes place within the evocative Sala della Disciplina, an ancient deconsecrated church where hundreds of young musicians from all over the world perform in front of a panel of judges who will proclaim the winner of each category. Weinfestkalender 2020. Karnevalsumzüge und Feste 2020 Manerba del Garda. On Saturday and Sunday from 3 to 5pm Piazza del Porto will hold live music events. Sonstiges Ter Auch die Würzburger Weinparade und das Weindorf müssen. März 2017 verschoben). zur Jahreshauptversammlung des Sportvereins Unterhausen e.V. Weinfest in Bardolino am Gardasee 01/16. - Irish Pub Sommerfest 2020, Schloßplat, 91785 Pleinfeld - Abgesagt The colourful parade starts from Piazzale Gramsci and ends at Piazza del Porto. Alle Weinfeste, Weinmessen und mehr finden Sie hier auf einen Blick. Begleiten Sie uns wieder zu den ... 04.10. Wald-/Weinfest 2020 - ABGESAGT Leider müssen wir unsere beliebte Veranstaltung für 2020 absagen. Bereits eine halbe Stunde vor der offiziellen Eröffnung durch Vorsitzenden Michael Bauer waren alle Plätze besetzt Das Bardolino Weinfest 2019 findet vom 3. bis 7. 18. Bus stop and tourist info just down the road. The traditional festival dedicated to San Michele, the patron saint of Bardolino, takes place every year in Calmasino at the end of September. 09/14. This festival combines tradition, culture, food and beverage with autumn colours and flavours celebrating the Bardolino Novello: the first harvest fruit, a young, soft and fruity wine. 20.06.2020 37° International Triathlon of Bardolino Sport competition with 2.000 athletes from 24 countries competing in swimming, ride and race on olympic distances. besonders attraktiv. Freitag, 30. Bardolino is an oasis of fun, with a lot of events arranged every year within its enchanting scenery. - Castelnuovo del Garda, Notte Bianca, Gardaland, ca. ... Weinfest in Bardolino am Gardasee. The festival offers fun and entertainment for all age groups. - … The main symbol of the festival is the big barrel distributing grape juice in Piazza Catullo. November 2020 in Wiesbaden / cult-touren Wiesbadener Bäche, kalte und heiße Quellen. Bardolino Wine Festival (Festa dell’Uva e del Vino) is celebrated every year in end September – start October. ABGESAGT - Nossner Weinfest 2020 Liebe Gäste, Freunde und Partner des Nossner Weinfests, mit großem Bedauern haben wir – der KuNo e.V. Posted by qiti on 28.10.2020 qiti on 28.10.2020 Scheduled. Its colour of this wine ranges from rosy to coral rosy. Als Grund für die Absage wurde genannt, dass man so Menschenansammlungen vermeiden will. Novello Weinfest 07-08.11.2020 Novello Weinfest Der Bardolino Novello war der erste "Novello"-Wein in Italien, der 1987 die DOC-Zertifizierung erhielt. ein Jahr (oder so erstmal) ein Zimmer brauchen für eine 2-3-Zimmer-Wohnung oder die andere Variante ist eine sehr grosse Wohnung für ev. The wonderful Villa Carrara Bottagisio and its park with a view over the lake hold the wine Consortia and producers from Verona through dozens of wine-tasting booths. Learn more about the event ABGESAGT - Erzherzog Johann Weinfest 2020 - Ehrenhausen a.d.W. INFO TOUR. Lungolago Cornicello is dedicated to children, food and beverage. Die Mutti ist die Beste. Chiaretto is a rosé variant of Bardolino wine produced from the same grapes. Oktober 2020 at 20:00. Free entry. The Regata delle Bisse is a traditional rowing race with historic boats dating back to the Republic of Venice historical era. Weingenuss vor mittelalterlicher Kulisse in unmittelbarer Stadtnähe das ist Trumpf beim Frauensteiner Weinfest. It’s harvest season!). The events are not only scheduled on summer but also on the other seasons, such as the Christmas markets livening up the lakefront during the festival known as “Dal sei al sei”. Bardolino con Gusto ist ein Genussevent am Seeufer der Stadt mit gutem Essen, Musik und natürlich auch lokalem Bardolino … Weinfest am Gardasee – Bardolino: Uli Dankerl Tel. Kassenbericht 2019 6. Not just one, but rather three wine festivals focused on one of the products of excellence of the area. The festival livens up with shows, children workshops, markets and live music. The main symbol of the event is the Passeggiata d’Amore whose slogan is “3.000 steps for your heart”: the Bardolino – Garda pedestrian itinerary around the lakefront is decorated with standards containing the most popular love poems. Auch unsere Flugreise nach Kreta wurde abgesagt. vor Beginn abgesagt werden. The event is inaugurated at Azienda Agricola Guerrieri Rizzardi di Bardolino where the cars go under technical and athletic tests, while the race starts at Lungolago Lenotti, with the “Benacus Rally” and “Benacus Historic” cars involved in the first two special test races. “Aperitivo Sotto le Stelle” is an exclusive event dedicated to wine and food lovers and to all those people who enjoy having fun. BOAT TOUR € 35,00 adult € 20,00 3-9 years. Date: 8 September 2015. Carnevale al Marciapie 25.02. und 26.02.2020 Arco Carnevale di Arco - am 15.3.-22.3.2020 Jeweils am Sonntag ab 14 Uhr großer Straßenumzug (Bei schlechtem Wetter wird der Umzug auf Sonntag, 5. Lago di Garda in Love is a traditional festival dedicated to lovers which makes the Bardolino promenade even more romantic. Spend your break in the best way with us. The “Bardolino Champions Cup” is an International football tournament for children under the age of 10. Die schönsten Kalender für 2016. Stattdessen gibt es 2020 an den gewohnten Weinfesttagen einen kleineren Event. Today the Sagra dei Osei includes ornithological exhibits and decoy competitions with major national chioccolatori (bird-call imitators) and it gives the opportunity to taste the most famous speciality foods such as quail with polenta, tripe, riso al tastasal and other meat or fish dishes. Weinfest 2020 abgesagt!!! - Bardolino, Palio del Chiaretto • 16. Electric car charging stations on Lake Garda, Four reasons why you should visit Lake Garda, Bicycle Tour - "La strada dell'uva" (Wine Route), Bicycle tours - Cycle paths for sportsmen, Festa dell'Uva e del Vino 2020 – postponed to 2021, - Via D’Annunzio 11, 37011 Bardolino (VR). Entdecken Sie auf einer Busreise zum Gardasee wundervolle Orte wie Venedig, Verona, Sirmione, Malcesine, Bardolino, Limone oder auch Riva del Garda. From the 5th to the 7th of June 2020, Bardolino hosts the annual Chiaretto wine contest, Palio del Chiaretto, where the lastest Bardolino Chiaretto DOC is presented. Das Weinfest in Bardolino findet direkt an der Uferpromende in Bardolino statt. Das Tutzinger Weinfest hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu einer der beliebtesten Veranstaltungen am Starnberger See entwickelt. Diese verkaufen ihren Wein direkt am Hof, welchen man vorher natürlich auch verkosten darf. Das Coronavirus hat die Welt im Griff. Das bedeutet, dass wir hier ein Tagesordnung: 1. Corona – seit März 2020. Weekly markets are a great opportunity to discover the natural foodstuffs of the region together with goods of all kind, such as clothes and home stuffs. Visitors can also enjoy live music events, dancing shows and the enchanting “pink breaths”, a romantic rain of little hearts! The pole is though sprinkled with grease as to make the game more difficult but also more amusing. It is still very present in the vineyards. - Torri del Benaco • 03. The concert is the outcome of an international operatic singing masterclass given by the Italian soprano Katia Ricciarelli and the tenor Francesco Zingariello and it boasts the participation of promising operatic voices from all over the world. The event consists in several meetings with authors, writers and journalists of national fame who offer to dialogue with the audience while displaying their most recent works. You can have a happy Little Easter full of outdoor activities at Lido di Cisano, with barbecues, live music and children entertainment. November 2020 at 19:30. The port of Bardolino becomes an arena for a contest to win the cesto della cuccagna with food and beverage. It is a traditional town festival holding a great variety of stands with local food and beverage accompanied by music entertainment, a big amusement park for children and fireworks. The “Garda Classic Car Show” celebrates classic cars. It’s an engaging as well as spectacular challenge appealing to a lot of visitors every year. A special event dedicated to the opera music takes place at the very centre of the village in the evocative setting of Piazza Metteotti, with a free concert performing the most beautiful and famous airs of the history of opera. The event fills the alleys of the centre and the lakefront with hundreds of traditional masks and groups from all over the country. WEINFEST 2020 ABGESAGT . 27.October 2020 It is an ideal aperitif wine. During your stay in Bardolino, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the village and its everyday life. ABGESAGT: Jahreshauptversammlung 2020 Einladung. In Bardolino, der Shopping Hochburg, trifft Franz Gernstl auf die gebürtige Österreicherin Kalina. Busreisen an den Gardasee. Weinfest dreieich 2020 programm Veranstaltungskalender Stadt Dreieich . The “Città di Bardolino – Jan Langosz” music contest is an international competition for young musicians dedicated to Jan Langosz, a Polish orchestra leader who lived in Bardolino. The event ends with the award ceremony at Parco Bottagisio. 4. The festival takes place at Piazza del Porto, where visitors can find tree different wineries collocated inside the big barrel carried out for the Festa dell’Uva; Costadoro, Girardelli and Raval preview a red wine taste together with a truly fitting autumn food: chestnuts. Begrüßung 2. ... BARDOLINO WEINFEST 2020 – Auf 2021 verschoben. The local associations and wineries arrange tasting itineraries on the lakefront and at Parco Carrara Bottagisio to allow visitors to taste the various Bardolino versions, from Classico and Superiore to Chiaretto. Enjoy all the season events in the magical setting of Lake Garda with its breath-taking sunsets! The Sagra dei Osei of Cisano is a local festival with ancient origins. Like Bardolino, it can be paired with appetizers, pasta and fish dishes. But there’s much more besides: the alleys of the village centre light up with hundreds of illuminations and Piazza Matteotti holds the Majestic Christmas tree with its more than 8 meters and its blue lights; the Medieval Church of San Severo – a true architectural jewel set in the village centre – holds the exposition of nativity scenes from all over the world. +++ Update, 06.08.2020 - 18.35 +++ Das Weinfest von Bardolino ist für 2020 offiziell abgesagt … During the official opening ceremony all teams parade through the streets of the village while singing their hymns. The festival features music and entertainment throughout the town and along the lakeside, accompanying wine lovers, enthusiasts and curious visitors during their tasting. Top 10: Die schönsten Seen Oberitaliens. Wegen des Coronavirus kann der Auftakt der fränkischen Weinfest-Saison in Franken 2020 nicht wie geplant stattfinden. On the lakefront dozens of carefully selected companies show their high quality products: from local food and beverage to handcrafted goods and home-made Christmas decorations. Finally, lungolago Cornicello holds a local food market and a food area where visitors can taste the famous “Nodo d’Amore” (the local tortellino from Valeggio sul Mincio). hallo leute, wer interessiert sich für eine WG-Gründung im Westend? Weinfest in Buxtehude trotz Corona-Krise? Abgesagt 2020 wegen Corona 04/18 Mai. The old town olive trees are decorated with hundreds of bells made by children from elementary school. According to tradition, children are the protagonists of the celebration as they wait to see the groups parade while enjoying games and attractions; as an example Piazza Catullo holds free inflatables, while Piazza Matteotti holds the “truccabimbi” with balloons everywhere! Bericht der Kassenprüfung 2019 5. At Parco Carrara Bottagisio visitors can enjoy the lake beauties from the unique view of the Ferris wheel. Novello Weinfest 07-08.11.2020 Novello Weinfest Der Bardolino Novello war der erste "Novello"-Wein in Italien, der 1987 die DOC-Zertifizierung erhielt. - Valeggio sul Mincio - Borghetto, Festa del Nodo d'amore ... Je nach Wetterlage können die Feuerwerke kurzfristig abgesagt … It is a prestigious youth tournament for major European clubs; it is considered as a Champions League for kids, including Bayern München, Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Atlético Madrid; a very high quality is also guaranteed by the most important Italian clubs. Ski alpin: Der Kader der deutschen Herren für die Saison 2020/21 Ski alpin: Schmid rast aufs Podest, Pinturault mit historischem Sieg 27.11.20 Politik 4 Kommentare Maratona dles Dolomites-Enel 2020 - ANNULLATO / CANCELLED / ABGESAGT - Verona (Italia) attualizzato 11.06.2020 22:15:16 name year city team status ----- Adami Graziano 1961 Verona (VR) Polisportiva Caselle announced Aldighieri Pietro 1984 Verona (VR) Team Benetti ok, complete Bertoldo Alberto 1962 Verona (VR) TOP TEAM RACE ASD announced Borsaro Zeno 1958 Verona (VR) … Ich suche Leute, die ca. Februar 2020,20:00 Uhr,Wirtshausmusik,Wenings, Gasthaus "Zum Schützenhof" Freitag, 21. Hier finden Sie alle Veranstaltungen der Stadt Dreieich ; 10Junallday Event abgesagt Weinfest im Bürgerpark Dreieich DETAILS ZUR VERANSTALTUNG wird am Sonntag wieder der Fahrzeug Veteranen Club beim Rostblütenfest mit Oldtimern und Historischen Fahrzeugen das Weinfest begleiten. Als Grund für die Absage wurde genannt, dass man so Menschenansammlungen vermeiden will.
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