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Many of you have been asking for a new mastering video, using some of my favorite Waves plugins! Waves Plugins. ", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "CLA Drums", "SKU_MSRP" : 99.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 70, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/cla-drums.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/cla-drums", "SKUNumber" : "CLDRSG", "SKUID" : 424, "ReviewsTotal" : 128, "Rating" : 4.67, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Signature Series", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 894, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Created+in+collaboration+with+Grammy%26reg%3b-winning+mixer+Chris+Lord-Alge%2c+the+CLA+Drums+plugin+delivers+the+radio-ready+rock+drum+sound+of+Green+Day%2c+Nickelback%2c+and+Lifehouse. The vast majority, if not all, iconic producers use at least a few of the waves plugins in their mixes and they have become industry standard for pop music production. Mit mehr als 90 brillanten Prozessoren und mehr als 250 Komponenten-Plugins bietet Mercury mehr Waves in einem … Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. ", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "Manny Marroquin Triple D", "SKU_MSRP" : 99.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 70, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/marroquin-triple-d.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/manny-marroquin-triple-d", "SKUNumber" : "MMDE3SG", "SKUID" : 494, "ReviewsTotal" : 102, "Rating" : 4.73, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Signature Series", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 992, "DocumentPageDescription" : "The+Manny+Marroquin+Triple+D+plugin%3a+DeBoxy+to+remove+%e2%80%98boxy%e2%80%99sound+from+the+low+mids%2c+DeHarsher+to+eliminate+harshness+in+the+mids%2fhigh+mids+and+DeEsser+for+high+%e2%80%98sss%e2%80%99+and+%e2%80%98shh%e2%80%99+sounds. 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", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "GEQ Graphic Equalizer", "SKU_MSRP" : 149.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 80, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/geq-graphic-equalizer.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/geq-graphic-equalizer", "SKUNumber" : "GEQTDM", "SKUID" : 413, "ReviewsTotal" : 130, "Rating" : 4.81, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Equalizers", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 897, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Full-featured+graphic+equalizer+plugin+with+30+ISO+bands+plus+high+and+low+pass+filters%2c+a+high+precision+floating+parametric+EQ+bell+filter%2c+and+a+real-time+analyzer. 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", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "RS56 Passive EQ", "SKU_MSRP" : 249.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 35.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 86, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/rs56.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/rs56", "SKUNumber" : "PEQSG", "SKUID" : 417, "ReviewsTotal" : 156, "Rating" : 4.88, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Equalizers", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 895, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Waves+and+Abbey+Road+Studios+have+faithfully+recreated+the+powerful+sound-shaping+capabilities+of+the+original+RS56+passive+equalizer%2c+also+known+as+%e2%80%98The+Curve+Bender.%e2%80%99", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "H-Comp Hybrid Compressor", "SKU_MSRP" : 179.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 83, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/h-comp-hybrid-compressor.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/h-comp-hybrid-compressor", "SKUNumber" : "HCOMPTDM", "SKUID" : 110, "ReviewsTotal" : 157, "Rating" : 4.71, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Compressors", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 895, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Combining+the+modeled+behavior+of+transformers%2c+tubes%2c+and+transistors%2c+H-Comp+hybrid+compressor+plugin+is+a+dynamics+processor+with+the+best+of+analog+and+digital+in+one+plugin. 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", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "CLA Unplugged", "SKU_MSRP" : 99.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 70, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/cla-unplugged.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/cla-unplugged", "SKUNumber" : "CLUPSG", "SKUID" : 427, "ReviewsTotal" : 75, "Rating" : 4.75, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Signature Series", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 897, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Created+in+association+with+Grammy+award-winning+mixer+Chris+Lord-Alge%2c+the+CLA+Unplugged+plugin+delivers+the+radio-ready+acoustic+guitar+sound+of+Green+Day%2c+Nickelback%2c+and+Bon+Jovi. Navigate to the folder, click into it, and select the Installers folder. ", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "IDR360 Bit Re-Quantizer", "SKU_MSRP" : 0.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 0.000000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 0, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/idr360-bit-re-quantizer.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/idr360-bit-re-quantizer", "SKUNumber" : "NOCODE", "SKUID" : 373, "ReviewsTotal" : 0, "Rating" : 0, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "", "BadgeClass" : "", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "9/23/2018 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Surround", "Note" : "Available+only+in+selected+bundles", "SKUEnabled" : "False", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 20100, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Using+patented+psycho-acoustic+dithering+and+noise+shaping%2c+IDR360+reduces+the+bit-depth+of+multi-channel+and+5.1+Surround+audio+with+unparalleled+clarity+and+resolution. Ich verfluche es, weil Waves nicht der einzige Hersteller ist, der seine Plug-ins durch ein solches Extra-Programm schützen will, allerdings mögen manche auch diese Art von Kopierschutz. Da morgen mein Urlaub beginnt und ich endlich wieder Zeit habe an eigenen Songs zu basteln, dachte ich mir ich update mal meine Waves-plugins. ", "VariantsMinimalPrice" : 0.000000000, "IsVariantsPriceSame" : "False", "IsProductOptions" : "False" } , { "DocumentName" : "Manny Marroquin Tone Shaper", "SKU_MSRP" : 99.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 70, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/marroquin-tone-shaper.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/manny-marroquin-tone-shaper", "SKUNumber" : "MMTSSG", "SKUID" : 493, "ReviewsTotal" : 28, "Rating" : 4.64, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Harmonics", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 999, "DocumentPageDescription" : "The+Manny+Marroquin+Tone+Shaper+plugin+is+a+parallel+compressor+with+4+bands+plus+EQ+and+%e2%80%98secret+ingredients%e2%80%99+to+change+the+tonality+of+a+track+to+match+your+mix. Aber man kann massenhaft Geld loswerden. Cubase crashes when loading a project that contains ANY Waves plugins; Cubase crashes when inserting ANY Waves plugin into a fresh project; I am using Cubase here but it could be any 64 Bit DAW host application; I found a post related to a different issue that suggested renaming the WaveShell-VST3 9.2_x64 file. 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Buy any 2 plugins from the Waves catalog, [ { "DocumentName" : "CLA Epic", "SKU_MSRP" : 199.000000000, "SKUPrice" : 29.990000000, "SKUDepartmentID" : 2, "CouponPrice" : 0.00, "Discount" : 85, "CouponCode" : "", "Icon" : "/1lib/images/products/plugins/icons/cla-epic.png", "DocumentUrlPath" : "/plugins/cla-epic", "SKUNumber" : "CLEPIC", "SKUID" : 854, "ReviewsTotal" : 0, "Rating" : 0, "Category" : "", "BadgeText" : "Ends Today", "BadgeClass" : "badge badge-ends-today", "CouponCampaignID" : 0, "SaleEndDate" : "12/1/2020 4:00:00 AM", "GSFCategory" : "Effects", "Note" : "", "SKUEnabled" : "True", "IsInventory" : "", "IsPreorder" : "False", "MainOrder" : 1, "DocumentPageDescription" : "Add+epic+depth+to+your+mixes+and+productions%3a+The+complete+suite+of+mix+legend+Chris+Lord-Alge%e2%80%99s+4+go-to+delays+%26+4+go-to+reverbs%2c+based+on+his+best+studio+gear+%e2%80%93+all+in+one+easy+plugin+that+lets+you+blend+%26+route+the+effects. 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Wie bei vielen Dingen, gilt auch bei WordPress-Plugins: Je weniger, desto besser! 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Öffne Live"s Voreinstellungen --> Plug-Ins (ab Live 10.1) bzw. Because, it has one of the largest selections of pro-grade audio plugins. 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