Testing tolerant Swiss ash trees against new pests. Environmental Management, Ash is currently suffering from Ash dieback ADB and a new threat, the Emerald Ash Borer EAB, is spreading towards Central Europe. Eidg. 2014: Invasive Arten wie das Drüsige Springkraut, der Asiatische Laubholzbockkäfer oder der Erreger des Eschentriebsterbens gelten heute neben der Lebensraumzerstörung als eine der bedeutendsten Gefahren für die Artenvielfalt. Dort können wir Verdachtsfälle von Quarantänekrankheiten und -schädlingen unter strengen Sicherheitsvorrichtungen diagnostizieren und untersuchen. Forschungsanst In Switzerland, according to the Swiss Commission for Wild Plant Conservation (SKEW), there are at present (2008) 23 neophytes on the so called "Black List". ; Di Minin, E.; Diez, J.; Zurell, D., This consists of a dense network of observers, such as forest protection officers, district and local forest rangers, as well as forest owners and private individuals. Bild: Jan Wunder, WSL, Der auffällige Tintenfischpilz stammt aus Australien. Weed Research, für Wald, Schnee und Tracking the spread of the northern bark beetle (Ips duplicatus [Sahlb.]) In this project we aim to compare the virulence of North American and South Korean genotypes of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, which have never encountered the European chestnut, with that of European fungal genotypes: Are the non-European genotypes more virulent? Arten betragtes af Global Invasive Species Database som værende blandt de 100 værste skadedyr i verden. We study invasive organisms and help the authorities to develop management strategies. "Swiss Forest Protection" runs a monitoring system in order to protect our forests from native and non-native forest pests and diseases. Das Kooperationsprojekts (HAFL, WSL, Uni Göttingen) hat zum Ziel die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für eine Bewertung des Douglasienanbau hinsichtlich Biomasseabbau und funktioneller Biodiversität zu schaffen. Thousands of research projects have been carried out taking advantage of this infrastructure. Created with Sketch. 23, 2: doi: 10.5169/seals-583858, Tschopp, T.; Holderegger, R.; Bollmann, K., A local risk map using field observations of the Asian longhorned beetle to optimize monitoring activities. 18 18 18. Detection and genetic characterisation of a novel mycovirus in. 2020: Knowhow for forestry experts and all others interested in the forest, Swiss National Forest Inventory NFI - a forest information service, Warnings on natural hazards by Swiss federal authorities, Access to environmental monitoring and research data, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF in Davos, Trees of heaven are spreading throughout the forests of Ticino – but will these provide adequate protection against rockfalls? doi: 10.1111/jvs.12935, Chytrý, M.; Tichý, L.; Hennekens, S.M. ; Borer, E.T. 328 Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz Die Zahl der nicht-einheimischen Arten in Europa wurde auf 11 000 geschätzt (Stand 2008; DAISIE 2009). Invasive Pflanzen der Schweiz is a useful handbook with important information for gardeners, garden owners, farmers as well as municipalities and agencies. Inzwischen dürfte sich die Zahl dieser problematischen Arten erhöht haben. Den regnes også blandt de 40 værste skadedyr i Europa. Viruses, The spatio-temporal DGVM LPJ-GM is extended with modules for dynamics and spread of interacting species and tested in case studies with different interactors. Swiss Federal Institute (Bildquelle: Beat … Landschaft WSL. Wir diagnostizieren, erforschen und beobachten diese in unserer Forschungseinheit «Waldgesundheit und biotische Interaktionen». Seit den ersten Hinweisen 2009 hat er sich in den Kastanienwäldern der ganzen Schweiz verbreitet. The invasive species include many types of insects, fungi, nematodes, bacteria and viruses which trigger plant diseases in forests and ornamental trees and shrubs. Von diesen sind rund 10 Prozent invasiv, das heisst @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Libre+Franklin:100); Wermelinger, B.; Schneider Mathis, D.; Knížek, M.; Forster, B., While some are harmless, others cause considerable damage. Our main aim is to characterize epidemic (Swiss) and post-epidemic (Lithuanian) populations of the ash dieback pathogen C. fraxinea. Lo scopo di questo progetto è quello di determinare l'effetto dei cambiamanti climatici sulla diffusione e l'incidenza del mal dell''inchiostro del castagno al sud delle Alpi della Svizzera. This project is motivated by the repeated statement of OECD that biodiversity policy is a weak point in Swiss environmental policy. ; Zoller, S.; Rigling, D., Der Artenrückgang in der Schweiz ist alarmierend. Plant Pathology, Drivers of plant diversity in Bulgarian dry grasslands vary across spatial scales and functional-taxonomic groups. Sie ist ein Forschungsinstitut des Bundes und gehört zum ETH-Bereich. 2482-2497. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, Selvom en art âopfylderâ disse kriterier, er det ikke ensbetydende med, at arten vil optræde invasivt. 80-93. 1: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Anzahl Neobioten und invasiver Arten stetig zuge-nommen. 2014: Some of these alien species become invasive and pose threats to the environment and human economics and health. 88: Visconti, P.; Elias, V.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Fischer, M.; Ali-Zade, V.; Báldi, A.; Brucet, S.; Bukvareva, E.; Byrne, K.; Caplat, P.; Boch, S.; Zazanashvili, N., doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1301-4, Jung, T.; Orlikowski, L.; Henricot, B.; Abad-Campos, P.; Aday, A.G.; Aguín Casal, O.; Bakonyi, J.; Cacciola, S.O. 19. Der Artenrückgang in der Schweiz ist alarmierend. sche und invasive Arten zu mindern. With this short video about rockfall experiments in southern Switzerland, WSL researchers won the SNF award for scientific images in the category of video loops. Abb. To control the spread of non-native plants, it is crucial to understand by which mechanisms they outperform native vegetation. Landschaft WSL PLoS One, Introduction. Invasive Pflanzen der Schweiz stellt die 75 wichtigsten Arten ausführlich in Wort und Bild vor. We investigate the infection dynamics of a mycovirus, which acts as biological control agent of the introduced tree disease. 134-163. 578-588. Lessons learned from microsatellite development for nonmodel organisms using 454 pyrosequencing. Forest Ecology and Management, Rund 100 müssen zu den invasiven oder potenziell invasiven gebietsfremden Arten gezählt werden. Bonn, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Biological Invasions, FutureWeb will integrate predictive biogeography, geography, biostatistics and trophic web ecology to derive an ensemble of scenarios of the impact of global change on multi-trophic vertebrate biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services in Europe. Development of new polymorphic microsatellite markers for three closely related plant-pathogenic. Journal of Ecology, It favours moist habitats and will grow best in sheltered tropical areas. Landschaft WSL des Bundes in einer Datenbank zu vereinen und mit anderen Datenzentren des BAFU zu verbinden. This project works on optimizing the MinION-based sequencing technology for forest health diagnostics and research. Cold temperature extremes during spring do not limit the range shift of Mediterranean pines into regions with intermittent frost. Virulence of the invasive ash pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in old and recently established populations. When these species escape into the wild, and appear in large numbers, they can become a threat to indigenous species, cause economic damage or affect peopleâs health. Untersuchungen an 16 Flüssen der Schweiz. doi: 10.1111/jen.12491. 30, 6: Lessons learned from microsatellite development for nonmodel organisms using 454 pyrosequencing. Neomyceten in der Schweiz. The Long-Term Ecologiocal Research in Europe (LTER-Europe) capitalizes on research infrastructures such as the in-situ network of sites and information technology. 104, 5: ; Rigling, D., 313-323. 19. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden erstmals 283 mit Pflanzen vergesellschaftete Pilzarten als Neomyceten identifiziert und georeferenziert, mittels Literatur- und Datenrecherche sowie Auswertung von Herbarbeständen und eigenen Feldbegehungen. Unterdessen hält ein natürlicher Feind die Population in Schach. Forschungsanst Created with Sketch. ; Krüsi, B.O., 19, 12: Eidg. It has been introduced throughout the tropics, and, has naturalised in many parts of the Pacific.
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