Hintergrund. According to Johan Carlson, director-general at the Public Health Agency, one reason was believed to be that the Stockholm spring break took place later than in other regions.[50]. [204] In early April, the government instructed for the testing capacity to be vastly increased to be able to analyse 100.000 samples every week. [83] The Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has questioned the scientific basis of some of the "stricter" measures taken by other governments, including lockdowns and border closures. Essayez avec des synonymes. [219] By May, 44,000 planned surgeries had been postponed in Sweden, increasing the total number of Swedes in line for a surgery to over 150,000. Restr:OskarI.-Schweden-Norwegen.jpg. This was mainly due to the Swedish economy being heavily reliant on exports (which attributes to around half of the Swedish GDP) with the shrinking global economy being predicted to decrease international demand of Swedish goods and services. The first death was reported on 11 March in Stockholm, a case of community transmission. On 27 February, Uppsala County confirmed its first case in a woman with a travel history to Germany, where she had met with an Italian colleague, and had been admitted to Uppsala University Hospital[51] after seeking medical attention with flu-like symptoms. This decision was taken both as a measure to lower the risk of spread of the infection (social distancing), and to make sure the daily work in the parliament could proceed even if a big number of MPs would become sick. [citation needed], Rail transport in Sweden, which is principally run by the public operator SJ AB, has continued to operate throughout the pandemic, albeit with a slightly reduced schedule so that additional carriages can be added to trains, which in conjunction with fewer tickets being made available for sale, aims to ensure social distancing of those passengers that continue to travel. During the four-week period from February to March in which the spring break takes place in different areas of Sweden, around one million Swedes (about one tenth of the total population) had travelled abroad. The preparations began in February and the first servicemen were deployed in March. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in December. Concerts cancelled due to the ban on large crowds included four sold-out concerts with Håkan Hellström at the Nya Ullevi Arena, Gothenburg, scheduled for June and August. [66] In June, the Health Agency declared that several regions had entered a "late pandemic phase" with a decrease in the number of new cases, and called for those regions to return to the strategy of stopping the disease through increased testing and detailed contact tracing. This was met with criticism within Sweden. [104] In May 2020 he said that he believed it was unlikely that Sweden, or any other country, would ever reach full herd immunity, and also that it would be a mistake to base a strategy on a hypothetical vaccine, as it would likely be years until there is a vaccine that can be distributed to an entire population. Swedish bitters is said to have been formulated in a similar way to ancient bitters by Paracelsus and rediscovered by 18th century Swedish medics Dr. Klaus Samst and Dr. Urban Hjärne, though this appears to be mistaking the latter for his son, Kristian Henrik Hjärne, who himself invented a bitter.. His case has received media attention since his family members initially sought medical help for his condition at the local health center in April, but were according to family members "turned away". [155], In early March, the Health Agency expanded the sentinel surveillance system in use for monitoring the influenza season, so that samples from patients with flu-like symptoms would also be tested for SARS-CoV-2 along with the influenza viruses. But he believed, in April 2020, that Sweden would benefit from herd immunity in the long run,[103] and reasoned that all countries would eventually have to achieve it to beat the virus. This was the first time the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test has been cancelled since it was established in 1977. [134][135] The ban would apply to arts and entertainment events including theatre, cinema and concerts, religious meetings, demonstrations, lectures, competitive sports, amusement parks, fairs and markets. The Public Health Agency issued recommendations to: if possible, work from home; avoid unnecessary travel within the country; engage in social distancing; and for people above 70 to stay at home, as much as possible. We have reviews of the best places to see in Sweden. "Stefan Löfvens uppmaning till svenskarna: "Stefan Löfven: 'Inget påskgodis hos grannarna, "King Carl XVI Gustaf"s address to the nation", "Svenskarna stannar hemma under påsklovet", "85 procent har bokat av påskresan med Gotlandsfärjan", "Reseavrådan förlängs – nya råd för resor inom landet", "Svenskarna får börja resa igen – men inte utomlands", "Fria resor för friska inom Sverige i sommar", "Tegnell tackar för enorma stödet – här är myndigheternas senaste besked om corona", "Dagliga pressträffar lockar miljonpublik", "Över en miljon har följt de dagliga pressträffarna", "MSB får 75 miljoner kronor för informationskampanj", "Så övervakar Sverige hur covid-19-smittan sprids", "Resultat från undersökning av förekomsten av covid-19 i region Stockholm", "Undersökning för att mäta förekomsten av covid-19 i Sverige", "Ny undersökning för att mäta förekomsten av covid-19 i Sverige", "Studie: 15 procent på Karolinska har haft viruset", "Stockholmsstudie: Var tionde hade haft viruset i påskas", "New study confirms that 10 percent of the Stockholm population has antibodies against SARS-CoV-2", "First phase of the Danderyd Hospital's COVID-19 study complete", "En av fem på Danderyd har haft covid-19", "Var femte medarbetare har haft COVID-19", "Test på sjukhuspersonal – 15 procent smittade", "Nu ska fler svenskar testas för coronavirus", "Fler labb får möjlighet att analysera coronavirus", "Tegnell: Mer testning skulle skydda äldre bättre", "Antalet coronatester ska ökas kraftigt – upp till 100.000 i veckan", "Fler ska coronatestas – vissa yrken prioriteras", "Fortfarande långt kvar till 100 000 tester", "Sweden to offer free Covid-19 testing to everyone with symptoms", "Här byggs Stockholmsmässan om till sjukhus", "Överläkare slår larm om tältet på Östra: "Riskerar människors liv, "Här ska coronapatienter få intensivvård", "Här byggs det nya fältsjukhuset i Skåne", "Fältsjukhuset i Älvsjö avvecklas – användes aldrig", "Inga nya patienter till fältsjukhuset i Göteborg", "Fältsjukhuset står tomt – men ska inte avvecklas", "Nära hälften av alla planerade operationer inställda", "Kön till operationer historiskt stor: "Ett jätteproblem, "Hundratals miljoner i förlust i tandvården", "Stor oro för kommande brist på intensivvårdsplatser", "IVA-platserna sinar i landet – stor osäkerhet om de kommer att räcka", "Sjukhusens förråd börjar sina – engångsskydd återanvänds i Stockholm", "Covid-19: Brist på skyddsutrustning och provtagningsmaterial", "Larmet inifrån vården: "Finns ingen skyddsutrustning, "Stor oro för läkemedelsbrist i regionerna", "Apoteksvd:n om läkemedelsbristen: "Beredskapslager hade varit en fördel, "Över 5.000 har anmält sig för att förstärka vården i Stockholm", "Militären ger Socialstyrelsen operativt stöd", "Finansministerns prognos: Snabb återhämtning", "Konjunkturinstitutet tvingas göra om ekonomisk prognos: "Det sämsta vi sett sedan 50-talet, "Pensionerna minskar för många nästa år – på grund av corona", "Finansministern: Botten är sannolikt nådd", "What does the coronavirus mean for the Swedish economy? [129] The ban would apply until further notice. New weekly cases as percentage of tests for Sweden from FOHM [323][324]: Weekly all-cause deaths in Sweden for 2015–2020 for three major counties,[325] calculated from Socialstyrelsen[326] (Smoothened by 4-weeks moving average), Weekly all-cause deaths per 100 000 inhabitants in Sweden for 2015–2020 for entire Sweden and three major counties, calculated from Socialstyrelsen[327] (Smoothened by 4-weeks moving average), At an early point, it was reported that a disproportionate number of those that had died by then in Stockholm County were Somali Swedes (6 out of 15)[328], Local governments, such as the municipal government in Gävle, have applied measures to businesses delaying the payment of invoices until 1 September 2020 at the earliest and deferring rent payments. Peter Bradshaw's film of the week About Endlessness review â mesmerising odyssey to the heart of existence 5 out of 5 stars. Although there is no legal framework for a governmental agency to impose sanctions on someone for going against its recommendations, it is not optional as the recommendations work as guidelines on how to act to follow a regulation (in this case an obligation to help halting the spread of an infectious disease). Community transmission was confirmed on 9 March in the Stockholm region. Dës Kategorie huet dës ⦠Nov [29][30] Until 2009, the Swedish state-run pharmacy chain Apoteket had the responsibility to ensure drug supply in case of emergency. Nachdem sich mittlerweile auch außerhalb DACH deutschsprachige Stammtische der Wikipedianer etabliert haben und "die Deutschen" in Schweden recht stark vertreten sind, bietet es sich an, neben den normalen schwedischen Treffen auch Stammtische zu organisieren, die sich vornehmlich dem Leben in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia widmen. As of 17 May, there had been approximately 4000 excess deaths in Sweden since late March. [54][55], Responding to indications of local transmission in the Stockholm area and Västra Götaland, the Public Health Agency on 10 March raised the risk assessment of community spread from moderate to very high, which is the highest level. [158] Based on the study and a doubling time of 6–7 days, the agency concluded that 5–10% of the population in the region were carrying the virus on 9 April. Maa sijaitsee lähes kokonaisuudessaan Skandinavian niemimaalla.Ruotsin rantoja huuhtoo idässä ja etelässä Itämeri ja lounaassa Pohjanmeri. Jun [165][166][167] In late April, approximately 11,000 out of the staff at Karolinska University Hospital were tested for the virus in either PCR based or serological tests. Early cases (December 2019 – February 2020), Data on cases and deaths is compiled by Folkhälsomyndigheten on weekdays (except Mondays) at 14:00 (CET). Jul Having an expert agency almost completely in control of the country's COVID-19 response without the involvement of politicians set Sweden apart from other countries. It requires courage. The decision will not affect the leagues below the second level. [note 4] As the number of deaths with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis only amounted to 75% of this number, the actual number of deaths related to COVID-19 was believed to be higher. Essayez les suggestions ou tapez une nouvelle recherche. Cases in brackets have unknown or not yet reported date of death. [41][38] With five additional cases confirmed on 27 February,[42] the Public Health Agency put out a statement that these cases were all related to travel to high-risk zones and that there was no evidence of community transmission. [202] The Public Health agency considered testing and contact tracing to be more important in the early and late pandemic phases, to stop the spread of the disease and find every case, as "it isn't possible to test millions of individuals in the country" during the pandemic phase. [8][309] A 30% excess mortality was observed at Swedish nursing homes during the pandemic. Well, then this is your go-to link. The website is operated by the Civil Contingencies Agency, as the agency responsible for emergency information to the public during emergencies. He also stressed that many who otherwise would travel, spend time with friends and family or go to church would need to make sacrifices during the upcoming Easter holiday. [231], As one of the main tasks of the Swedish Defence Force is to support the civil community in case of disasters, their resources were used to lessen equipment shortages in the health-care system. [90], Unlike many European countries, including neighbouring Denmark and Norway, Sweden did not close its preschools or elementary schools as a preventive measure. A number of military ambulances were also taken in use within the civilian health system. [220] Several regions also chose to cancel many, or all, planned non-acute dentistry as a measure to redistribute healthcare equipment like disposable gloves and masks. Schweden-Berge maoy mga bungtod sa Alemanya. [289] After consultations with the Public Health Agency, the organisation behind youth football tournament Gothia Cup, in Gothenburg, decided to cancel the 2020 event. ⦠Nahimutang ni sa estado pederal sa Saxony-Anhalt, sa sentro nga bahin sa nasod, 110 km sa habagatan-kasadpan sa Berlin ang ulohan sa nasod. [304] As of 26 April, 1,315 with a confirmed COVID-19 infection had received intensive care in Sweden. Hur vi förbereder oss – ett kunskapsunderlag", "GHS Index: Findings and Recommendations", "The variability of critical care bed numbers in Europe", "Efterrapportering att vänta efter helgen", "Skrotat totalförsvar ger sämre beredskap mot pandemi", "Beredskap i krisens tid, författare i karantän och världsekonomins fall – Godmorgon, världen! Weblink [139], On 18 March, the Health Agency recommended that everyone should avoid travelling within the country. Sweden is the land of lakes and the nation of the Nobel Prize, where forests are dense, but not the population. Behrendtz was diagnosed with the disease on 23 March, and had been ill since about a week before that with cold symptoms. 58.4k Followers, 0 Following, 884 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KenFM (@kenfm.de)