Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel skabte en filosofisk “før og efter”-tanke i Vesteuropa og det 19. århundrede Rusland.Han var en loyal beundrer af Plato, Descartes og Kant. Ya habíamos hablado de que la filosofía de Hegel nacía unida a un marco histórico y social determinado, en el que Hegel denunciaba la falta de libertad del hombre. Hegel Quotes is an Excellent source of quotes to get you thinking by famous German thinker Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Permaneció en Jena hasta octubre de 1806, cuando la ciudad, en el transcurso de las Guerras Napoleónicas, fue ocupada por las tropas francesas, por lo que se vio obligado a huir. Este es algo así como el material con el que se construye la historia y llega al fin último del Espíritu. El término positividad viene a significar un 'límite' que se le impone a la vida desde una realidad impuesta de un modo exterior y por la fuerza de la tradición, sin estar fundada y justificada ante la propia razón. Ha sido necesario un largo proceso de desarrollo de los pueblos antes del reconocimiento explícito de la libertad. Beginning in the 1960s, Anglo-American Hegel scholarship has challenged the traditional interpretation of Hegel as offering a metaphysical system: this has also been the approach of Z. A number of other works on the philosophy of history, religion, aesthetics and the history of philosophy[122] were compiled from the lecture notes of his students and published posthumously. Hegel hjalp med at udvikle den tyske idealisme. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27 Ağustos 1770, Stuttgart - 14 Kasım 1831, Berlin), Alman düşünür. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (n. 27 august 1770, Stuttgart - d. 14 noiembrie 1831, Berlin) a fost un filozof german, principal reprezentant al idealismului în filozofia secolului al XIX-lea. ); 1984; "[T]he task that touches the interest of philosophy most nearly at the present moment: to put God back at the peak of philosophy, absolutely prior to all else as the one and only ground of everything." 2008. Muy influido por las ideas de los grandes pensadores griegos, también conoció las obras del holandés Baruch Spinoza, del escritor francés Jean-Jacques Rousseau y de los autores alemanes Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte y Schelling. Authors he read include the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and writers associated with the Enlightenment, such as Christian Garve and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. [150], "Hegel" redirects here. (Karl Barth. El espíritu es una conciencia no sólo del sujeto, sino también del objeto Hegel llamaba a esto conciencia de sí. By 14 November, Hegel was dead. In particular, Russell considered "almost all" of Hegel's doctrines to be false. Karen Ng writes that "there is a central, recurring rhetorical device that Hegel returns to again and again throughout his philosophical system: that of describing the activity of reason and thought in terms of the dynamic activity and development of organic life. Sólo en el Estado el hombre tiene existencia racional. Christened Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, he was known as Wilhelm to his close family. Positivamente, significa el descubrimiento del concepto de subjetividad, que será interpretado por Hegel como un momento absolutamente necesario para la realización plena de la libertad y el desarrollo y perfección del espíritu. Los orientales no saben que el hombre como tal es libre, y, como no lo saben, no lo son. Hijo de un funcionario de la hacienda pública, Hegel creció en un ambiente de pietismo protestante y estudió a los clásicos griegos y latinos mientras estuvo en el gymnasium de su ciudad natal. It profoundly impacted many future philosophical schools, including those opposed to Hegel's specific dialectical idealism, such as existentialism, the historical materialism of Marx, historism and British Idealism. He determined ontology as absolute logic; he assembled all the delimitations of philosophy as presence," later remarking that Hegel is thus "the last philosopher of the book and the first philosopher of writing," indicating the relation of Hegel to post-structural thought by stating "if there were a definition of Différance, it would be precisely the limit, the interruption, the destruction of the Hegelian dialectical synthesis wherever it operates. En 1801 se trasladó a la Universidad de Jena, donde estudió, escribió y logró un puesto como profesor. ), all the pure concepts of the understanding are immanently contained within the most abstract concept; the entire tree of the concepts of the pure understanding unfolds from a single concept the way a tree grows from a seed. Biografie Familie și mediu 1770-1788. Hegel's State is the final culmination of the embodiment of freedom or right (Rechte) in the Elements of the Philosophy of Right. [106] His thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ stood out from the theologies of the Enlightenment. Es el principio fundamental que hace posible la historia. [125], According to Walter Kaufmann, the basic idea of Hegel's works, especially the Phenomenology of Spirit, is that a philosopher should not "confine him or herself to views that have been held but penetrate these to the human reality they reflect". [103] One to which he attributes great significance is the fragment he translates as "Being is not more than Non-being", which he interprets to mean the following: Sein und Nichts sei dasselbeBeing and non-being are the same. For this reason, Hegel's Logic begins with the summum genus, "Being, pure Being," ("and God has the absolutely undisputed right that the beginning be made with him"[83]) from which are derived more concrete concepts such as becoming, determinate being, something, and infinity. In 1831, Frederick William III decorated him with the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd Class for his service to the Prussian state. Esto significa que las etapas históricas tienen un desarrollo interno dialéctico que las hace desaparecer para transformarlas en otras más ricas y potentes: es la dialéctica aplicada a la historia.