The idea came from a French MP called Nathalie Goulet. Mehr. If you allow me, I will address you as friends. Bundesaußenminister Gabriel hat heute in Bangladesch ein Lager für Rohingya aus dem Nachbarland Myanmar besucht. The letter from Mogherini — written in a garbled fashion typical of EU institutions — is a firm denial of any wrongdoing. Subscribe to our Youtube channel for all latest in-depth, on the ground reporting from around the world. CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT S. st ude nt s—t o obta in i nfo rmat ion o n the spec ific. According to her, “The countries work is moving forward and there is full unity of all the member states, reiterated today on the fact that it is our essential security interest as Europeans to keep the agreement in place. “In parallel, the EU Delegation in 2018 launched an independent impact evaluation of the projects implemented through the Assistance to the Re-Establishment of the Lebanese Administration Programme (ARLA) and an independent review of the on-going Upgrading Solid Waste Management Capacities in Lebanon Programme (SWAM)”. Following an investigation published in May last year, which not only exposed European Union aid being diverted, in many cases, into the pockets of Hezbollah but also linked EU plants to a spike in cancer cases, the European Parliament is about to hit both Lebanon and the office of the EU’s former foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini. 13 november 2015 open letter to federica mogherini, high representative of the eu for foreign affairs and security policy, johannes hahn, eu commissioner for european neighbourhood policy & enlargement negotiations, john kerry, the u.s. secretary of state, and Juni 1973 in Rom) ist eine italienische Politikerin (PD/SPE) und seit dem 1. He claims the threats he has received are genuine. Alongside other social democrats, Federica Mogherini, the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, recently visited the Islamist state of Iran to attend the official endorsement and inauguration of the regime's president, Hassan Rouhani. Maas und auch die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini warnten den Iran eindringlich vor einem Bruch des Atomabkommens. Federica Mogherini (m) und Johannes Hahn (l) mit Vjekoslav Bevanda (r), Ministerpräsident von Bosnien und Herzegowina Entweder haben die Vertreter der Europäischen Union eine Engelsgeduld. His incendiary accusations point the finger at NGOs in Tripoli – and the figures behind them - who he claims have been promised huge kickbacks from planned incinerator deals which many in Lebanon believe are entirely about steering huge payments to the elite through inflating their real purchase costs. EU cannot turn a blind eye to Iran’s malign activities. It is a blow to Mogherini who was initially asked by a Portuguese MEP, Ana Gomes, in the summer to open a full investigation. Mariani's demands will no doubt be presented to the new EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in mid-January who will find it harder to follow in the theme of the “cover-up of the cover-up” in Lebanon (as one MEP put it, in confidence). Federica Mogherini a renouvelé le soutien de l'Union à l'accord de Vienne malgré le retrait américain, et a rappelé que l'Union Européenne tenait elle aussi à ce que le peuple iranien puisse continuer à bénéficier de la levée des sanctions même après le retrait américain. “The Mayor of Tripoli led a campaign against the new factory by civil society. Nach Ansicht des neuen EU-Außenbeauftragten müssen die EU-Staaten entscheiden, welche Rolle Europa in der Weltpolitik einnehmen soll. Following an investigation published in May last year, which not only exposed European Union aid being diverted, in many cases, into the pockets of Hezbollah but also linked EU plants to a spike in cancer cases, the European Parliament is about to hit both Lebanon and the office of the EU’s former foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini. Writes Struan Stevenson in Al Arabiya on August 4, 2017. Mariani is ready to go to Lebanon in February with a delegation to follow up on the investigation and find out where this EU money has gone.”. EEAS homepage > EEAS > Discours de la HR/VP Federica Mogherini au Sommet de la Communauté Économique des États d'Afrique de l'Ouest Display a PDF version of this page.