8: Sommernacht, Z. The betrothal took place in 1809, the same year Eichendorff went to Berlin to take up a profession there. Ed. Leben und Wirken. Ed. HKA IV: Dichter und ihre Gesellen. With his literary figure of the Good-for-Nothing Eichendorff created the paradigm of the wanderer. But before it can happen, the wonderful song sleeping in each thing must be woken up by the poet's word:[57] One notable example used by Eichendorff is the Zauberwort (magic word) - and one of Eichendorff's most celebrated poems, the four-line stanza Wünschelrute (divining rod), is about finding such a Zauberwort: Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen, B. werden im Gedicht Mondnacht Hauptmotive der Romantik wie das Mystische, die Nacht und der Mond aufgegriffen oder es wird in Das zerbrochene Ringlein das Thema Liebe mit z.T. HKA VIII/1: Literarhistorische Schriften I. Aufsätze zur Literatur. Von der Entstehungszeit des Gedichtes bzw. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken zählen: Sehnsucht, Das zerbrochene Ringlein, Mondnacht und Abschied. Theodor W. Adorno: "Zum Gedächtnis Eichendorffs". The titles of Eichendorff’s poems show that, besides the motif of wandering, the two other main motifs of his poetry were the passing of time (transience) and nostalgia. Cf. HKA XVIII/2: Eichendorff im Urteil seiner Zeit II. Sonne scheint, von allen Dächern Tröpfelt lustig schon der Schnee! Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag München, 1975, p. 502-503. Jahrhundert in Schlesien ansässig. Wappen derer von Eichendorff. Kommentar. Freies Deutsches Hochstift. And the world begins to sing, Autobiographische Fragmente. Text. Jugendsehnen. XIII). Ab 1816 war Eichendorff im preußischen Staatsdienst in … Erster Teil. Time, for Eichendorff, is not just a natural phenomenon but, as Marcin Worbs elaborated: "Each day and each of our nights has a metaphysical dimension. Eichendorff's other main motif, nostalgia, is described by some critic as a phenomenon of infinity. Geistliche Schauspiele von Don Pedro Calderón la Barca I. Ed. Eichendorff war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Lyriker und Prosaautoren. Ed. by Christiane Briegleb/Clemens Rauschenberg (1984). Geistliche Schauspiele von Don Pedro Calderón la Barca II. Eichendorff, Joseph von Interpretationen. [1] With its combination of dream world and realism, Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing is considered to be a high point of Romantic fiction. [29], His parents, in order to save the indebted family estate, hoped that Eichendorff would marry a wealthy heiress, however he fell in love with Aloysia von Larisch (1792-1855),[30] called ‚Luise’, the seventeen-year-old daughter of a prominent, yet impoverished Catholic family of nobles. The castle's Rococo reconstruction, which was begun by her, was very expensive and almost bankrupted the family. In: «The German Quarterly», No.50, 1977, pp.485-503. [33] Both Eichendorff's brother Gustav (born 1800) and his sister Louise Antonie (born 1799) died in 1803 at a very young age, as did two of Eichendorff's daughters between 1822 and 1832. "[6] Thomas Mann called Eichendorff's Good-for-Nothing a combination of "the purity of the folk song and the fairy tale. by Heinz-Peter Niewerth (2006). Der aus Schlesien stammende romantische Dichter Freiherr Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857), dessen Todestag sich an kommenden Montag zum 150. Ed. Ed. The death of his mother resulted in the final loss of all the family's estates in Silesia.[31][32]. Eichendorff war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Lyriker und Prosaautoren. Marshall Brown: Eichendorff’s Time of day. In der letzten Strophe wechselt der Erzähler auch in die Gegenwartsform. [72] His poems have been set to music by many composers, including Schumann, Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Richard Strauss, Hans Pfitzner, Hermann Zilcher, Alexander Zemlinsky, Max Reger, and even Friedrich Nietzsche.[73]. by Ursula Regener (1997). Unvollendete Übersetzungen aus dem Spanischen. As an expression of deep reflection, longing corresponds with intuition (Ahnen), grieving with memory. One critic stated that Eichendorff's Good-for-Nothing is the "personification of love of nature and an obsession with hiking. When falls the dark of night. Auch das Motiv Fernweh und das Reisen in exotische Länder wurde gern verwandt. März 1788 Geburtsort Schloß Lubowitz bei Ratibor, Preußisch-Schlesien : Sterbedatum 26. I. Lerngruppe II. Ed. Ein Satz wird hier häufig gegen die Logik des Lesers mittendrin umgebrochen und auf zwei Verse verteilt. "[62] Katja Löhr distinguishes between nostalgia as an emotion consisting of two components — longing and melancholy: "The inner emotion of longing is to long for, the inner emotion of melancholy is to mourn. Der Erzähler steigert sich die Sehnsucht ins Unendliche und die Wahrnehmung ins Unrealistische. Enjambement: Zeilensprünge. HKA III: Ahnung und Gegenwart. During the period, infant mortality was very high. by Günter and Irmgard Niggl (1986). Es hatte seinen Stammsitz zu Eickendorf bei Calbe im Erzstift Magdeburg. The protagonist, the son of a miller, rejects his father's trade and becomes a gardener at a Viennese palace where he subsequently falls in love with the local duke's daughter. Weitere Informationen zur Epoche der lyrischen Romantik. 1813-15 nahm er an den Befreiungskriegen gegen Napoleon I. teil. Erster Teil. Apart from some extensive marches on foot during his school and college days (for example from Halle to Leipzig, in order to see popular actor Iffland),[38] he only undertook one lengthy tour, traversing for seventeen days the Harz mountains with his brother in 1805, a trip partly undertaken using the stagecoach, as witnessed by his diary. by Sibylle von Steinsdorff (1993). by Volkmar Stein (2001). "[8] Theodor W. Adorno, who set out to rescue Eichendorff from his misled conservative admirers, attested: "He was not a poet of the homeland, but rather a poet of homesickness". Wir sitzen einsam drinnen [16][17] Seine Mutter stammte aus einer schlesischen Adelsfamilie, aus deren Besitz sie Schloss Lubowitz erbte. Zweiter Teil. [37] In 1815, the couple was married in Breslau's St. Vinzenz church[30] We sit inside, alone. In 1855, he was much affected by the death of his wife. by Wolfram Mauser (1970). In this sense, "His words are rich in connotative power, in imaginative appeal and in sound."[54]. und die Welt hebt an zu singen, HKA I/4: Gedichte. Der folgende Ausruf in Zusammenhang mit „Ach“ (V. 7/8) verstärkt den Eindruck der Sehnsucht und des Herzschmerzes, da es sich um einen Laut des Klagens handelt und die aus dem Mitreisen resultierende Folge nicht benannt wird. At a young age, Eichendorff was already well aware of his parents' financial straits. November 1857 Joseph von Eichendorff Die Sperlinge Altes Haus mit deinen Löchern, Geiz'ger Bauer, nun Ade! HKA IX: Literarhistorische Schriften III. Eichendorff erkannte, dass die Offenbarung der Dinge und der Natur durch den Dichter selbst zum Leben erweckt werden müssen, was in seinem Gedicht Wünschelrute zum Ausdruck kommt. By silent camp-fires lying, Jedoch ist das jeweilige Satzzeichen ein anderes. 16: Waldesnacht, Z. In 1813, when conflict flared up again, Eichendorff tried to join the struggle against Napoleon,[28] however he lacked the funds to purchase a uniform, gun, or horse, and, when he finally managed to get the money necessary, the war was all but over.