Just wanted to thank you for this awesome recipe – this was perfect for a request I got to do exactly what option 1 does – just had to tweak the colours and I turned the request around in less than 30 minutes – client was stunned! Now it's just a simple case of switching back to our DIVI builder and putting the code in the right place in our DIVI text module. did i miss something? Mail: The link: I was wondering where I can adjust this in the code? Overlay a pop of color and text when you hover over your images 1.00 1 This Divi layout will allow you to add a cool color and text overlay to your images in three super easy steps. However I am having an issue whenever I try to copy and paste this css into Divi it just keeps trying to save but never actually does. I wonder has anyone else had this issue ? I submitted a comment yesterday regarding an issue that I found when I try to center an image within the Divi text module on the flex implementation. ">Alt text Here. Waiting for your helping hand… thank you! Create custom hotspots to make your images more informative and interactive using the Divi visual builder. There seems to be a gap in between my images as they don’t but up against eachother. These still work just fine Matt. Can I just add the text-align:center under the font commands in the two sections that deal with the shutter header and text? Dear Michlle, thank you so much for this.. it looks great.. It adds HTML and CSS to a code module. How to Wrap text around an Image by Floating an Image Module Next to a Text Module in Divi; How to Wrap Text Around a Centered Image for a Unique Two-Column Layout; Although this tutorial will concentrate on images, you can actually use this same process to wrap text around any module in Divi. .ds-hover-4::before { It worked like a charm. It works It is my first using of code! Miso glad I found it. When you hover over one row, only the image changes. If you keep the image aspect ratio I have used then this should work just fine, but if your images have a different aspect ratio then you may need to play around with the percentages in the .ds-hover-1::before  and .ds-hover-1::after sections of the CSS. I’m sick, tired, and should go to bed, but I have to get this working RIGHT NOW’. Quick and easy way to add text to photos. Hey, thanks for sharing. Please let me know, thank you! If you need to consider IE for your clients you can use this service to check if CSS effects are supported before you try to implement anything. Divi Soup is a tutorial website for enthusiasts of the Divi Theme by Elegant Themes. I used that for a client website and in firefox it works very well. I’m using the code module and have set up the HTML there. Yes, you can apply the same CSS to both attributes and remove the one you are not using. There seems to be an issue with the code? Sounds like you registered for my email list rather than the site Adam? Use Divi Image hotspot module to display products features, visual guides, image maps, interactive image charts and graphs in an easy and interactive way. In this tutorial, I show you how to Replace Text with an Icon in the Divi Menu. Thank you so much! Is there any way I can add bullet points in the main description areas? Just trying to disable it on tablet and phone. In gallery image I want 2 images but with margin between them. Divi – blurb text overlay. I’m trying the shutter effect. Divi has an option in the slide settings to toggle the vertical alignment between centered and bottom-aligned. How about youtube thumbnails? One closes only after another has been opened…. I am afraid I cannot replicate that, I am using version Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) and all is working as it should. Not really Daniel, as what I mean is you are limited by the size of the screen, so the less images you have horizontally, the more space you have for text. Does it work with full weight image (one column)?